Online Orientation
Welcome to the Saskatoon Canoe Club
We are glad to have you joining us. The Saskatoon Canoe Club (SCC) is a non-profit organization formed by a small group of passionate paddlers in 1973. In 2019 we had 1637 members in two divisions: recreation and marathon. You can join either division or both.
Once you complete all steps of the registration process, you gain access to the club’s equipment and programming. Subject to the club’s policies, SCC members can stop by the boathouse any day/time to use the club’s boats and equipment to paddle on the South Saskatchewan River. The club also conducts paddling trips to other waterways in Canada and some of our elite marathon paddlers compete in races around the world. We offer a variety of formal and informal paddling training/practice programs to our members.
Opportunities to Volunteer
There are always volunteer opportunities to help the Saskatoon Canoe Club carry out its various activities throughout the year. All that is required is an interest and some time to spare. We are always accommodating to new people with different background, skills, and ideas. We are looking for people who want to share their skills and want to help to keep the club vibrant and changing with the times. Please consider volunteering!
Meet the Executive
The SCC is led by a friendly team of volunteers that make up the Executive. We take care of the behind-the-scenes so that our fellow members can get on the water quickly and with ease. There are always opportunities to volunteer and to become involved with the Executive. Contact us if you’re interested in any opportunity.
Please say hello to us if you run into us at the boathouse!
2024 Team
Volunteer Executive
The SCC first hired employees in 2019. They lead boathouse tours, answer questions, help members select and move boats, maintain the equipment, and handle administrative tasks, etc.
Club Sanctioned Trips
Our equipment is available to members to take on club-sanctioned trips off site at no extra fee. Club trips must be approved in advance by the applicable division director. The trips must be open to all division members and be advertised for a minimum two week period. Club trips are a good way to get to know fellow paddlers while exploring the world-class paddling opportunites that Saskatchewan has to offer.
We encourage club members to reach out to the director of their division to plan a trip this year. For more info on upcoming trips or to find out how to lead a club trip yourself, see the trips page. Members who lead an overnight trip or two day trips will receive a free membership for the following year.
General Notes
The nearest washroom is a public facility which is located on the south side of the boathouse. A key for after-hours washroom access is attached to a ski pole located next to the overhead door of the SCC's bay in the boathouse.
The indoor rowing training centre at the south end of the boathouse is not part of the Saskatoon Canoe Club.
Your membership expires Dec. 31st of the year in which you purchase it.
Park in the parking lot when coming down to paddle.
Motor vehicle access to the area between the river and the boathouse is restricted to service vehicles and vehicles loading and unloading multiple boats at a time.
SCC boats are available on a first-come first-served basis, with the exception of club trips which are able to reserve boats. Watch for labels on the boat you wish to use to see if it has been reserved.
If equipment needs repair, let the staff know or contact the equipment managers at
Where to Find the SCC
The Saskatoon Canoe Club is located within Bay #4 of the Victoria Park boathouse. The entrance is on the east side of the building, facing the river.
Bay Door Closed
Bay Door Open
Bay #4 Organization
The boathouse bay is organized in a specific way to make the visits of our members quick and simple.
As you enter the boathouse, on the left and on the top two levels at the back we have our marathon boats to be used only by Marathon Division members who have received their marathon-specific orientation at a Marathon Group Paddle.
On the right and lower two levels at the back we have the Recreation Division boats. The recreation boat racks are all labeled with which specific boats belong on them.
Floor Plan of Boathouse
Looking inside the boathouse from the door
Accessing Bay #4
All members are provided with the door code when they receive their membership card. This allows club members 24-hour access to paddle on the river. (Remember you are required by law to have lights after sunset, which the club does not provide.) Once you obtain the code, you are forbidden from sharing it with anyone else. People who have forgotten the code can email for assistance. SCC equipment is for SCC members only: no one-time "guest" users.
Door Lock
To unlock the door:
Step on the foot bar located at the bottom-right of the door below the knob,
Enter the door code,
Turn the knob counterclockwise
Lift door carefully to the fully open position.
To lock the door:
Using the rope attached to the south edge of the door, carefully lower the door in a controlled manner,
Step on the foot bar,
Turn the lock knob clockwise
Before you leave Bay #4, check that the door is locked by pulling up on the handle.
Always make sure the door is locked if you’re the last one to leave.
What To Do When You Arrive At Bay #4
Say Hello! We are a club made up of fun people who like to paddle.
Gather all the equipment you need and place it on the grassy area in front of our bay. You will need the following:
One personal floatation device (PFD) or lifejacket for each person on board
One sound-signalling device (We have whistles tied to each of our PFDs)
One bailer or one manual bilge pump
One buoyant heaving line at least 15 m long (e.g. a throw-bag)
If the boat is operated anytime between sunset and sunrise or in periods of restricted visibility, navigation lights (e.g. a watertight flashlight or headlamp)
Padlles are not required by law for our types of boats, but we certainly recommend them!
3. Select a boat and move it to the grass. Plan how you are going to move it before you lift. Get help if you need it. There are portable stairs and a boat cart available. Adjust your seat, foot braces, etc
4. Sign out your boat with the date, the boat ID, your departure time, your expected return time, and the first and last names of each person in the boat.
5. Lock the door or confirm that another member will do so.
6. Launch from the dock as quickly as possible. We share the dock with two other clubs, so please spend as little time on it as possible. If the dock area is too busy for you to launch immediately, please wait patiently for a safe opportunity to launch.
When launching or landing at the boathouse dock, DO NOT position the boat (i) between the dock ramps, (ii) between the dock and the shore upstream of the ramps, or (iii) against the upstream end of the dock. If you capsize in those locations, the moving water can easily pin you and the boat against the dock or the dock's anchoring system and you may not be able to free yourself! Referring to the figure below, only position your boat in Area (a) along the edge of the dock downstream of the ramps and closest to shore or in Area (b) along the outside edge of the dock closer to the middle of the river.
Dock Diagram
When launching or landing, it is much easier to control the boat and keep it in the desired position against the dock if you orient the boat so that it is facing upstream. Then, keeping the bow (front) of the boat slightly closer to the dock than the stern (rear) of the boat will help keep the boat against the dock so you don't do the splits when getting in or out!
Water Safety
When approaching another boat head-on, both boats should turn to the right to avoid a collision.
By law, due to its limited manoeuvrability, the Prairie Lily riverboat has the right of way on the river. Never travel or cross in front of it. Listen for its signals and be aware of its route for your safety.
It is illegal to operate a boat while impaired or while drinking alcohol. If you do so, you will be reported to the Saskatoon Police and your membership will be revoked. No warnings will be given. Requests to return to the club will be denied.
Most paddlers head up river (away from the city) first so they don’t have to work as hard on the return trip. If you travel downstream into the city centre, be aware of the travel paths and wakes of motorized boats as this is a shared space.
Motorized boats tend to stay in the city centre area but are not required to. If you encounter a large wake (or waves in general), turn your boat to face into them so that you make a T with the wave. This will reduce the amount of side-to-side rocking.
Staying close to shore rather than out in the middle of the river is generally a good idea:
The shoreline provides protection from most wind directions
The current is typically weaker so you will make better time heading upstream
You are less likely to be in the path of the Prairie Lily riverboat
It will be easier for you to rescue yourself and your boat by swimming to shore in the event you capsize; this is especially important if you are not with another boat
Watch for submerged rocks and other obstructions that may cause damage to the boats or become a hazard to you should you capsize.
What To Do When You Return To Bay #4
Orient your boat to face upstream and use the water's force to gently guide your boat against the dock.
Promptly exit your boat and carry your equipment to the grassy area near the boathouse.
Access Bay #4 and return your paddle(s), PFDs, etc. to their assigned storage places.
Set the boat on SCC wash racks in front of the boathouse. Both recreation and marathon boats must be washed after each use.
Using the provided sponges, cloths, brushes, and hose, thoroughly wash the interior and exterior of the boat you were using to clear it of mud, sand, and other debris. Sponge out any sitting water within the hull of all kayaks and any canoes that are stored upright.
Wring out the sponges/cloths you used and return them to their marked containers.
Return boats carefully to their assigned racks.
Sign your boat back in by recording the actual time you returned to the boathouse.
If you are the last one to leave the boathouse, turn off the tap and leave the hose rolled up with the nozzle in the marked container.
After making sure all the SCC equipment is safely inside Bay #4, turn the lights off and close and lock the boathouse door.
Recreation Group Paddles
Recreation members are encouraged to come out Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. to paddle with other members. There will be at least one experienced person from the club to help newer paddlers out and match up anyone who needs a paddling partner. This is also a good time for experienced paddlers to try out new boats or learn techniques from others.
The speed and distance traveled during a group paddle are based on the skills and goals of the people who show up. We generally spend about an hour an a half on the water.
Marathon Division Information
New Marathon Division members are required to participate in a Marathon Group Paddle prior to using marathon equipment on their own. At this session you will receive an introduction to the marathon-specific equipment and how to use it safely.
Marathon Group Paddles
Come down to the boathouse for group paddles on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. A certain fitness level is expected - be prepared to paddle with minimal stops for an hour or more (up to two hours later on in the season). Paddles begin at the boathouse and usually head upstream to the mailboxes near the junction of Twp. Rd 362 and Hodgson Rd or sometimes all the way around Yorath Island. The club has all the required equipment -- just dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.
Wednesday Night Paddles 6:30pm
This group paddle is intended for folks who have some experience paddling canoes and are looking to improve their skills and perhaps get into racing. Newer paddlers will be paired with mentors who will provide feedback and guidance on technique, tactics, and racing strategy. The philosophy of this group is to organize equal-speed boats and to paddle together to optimize skill building. Group paddles may have a focus such as buoy turns, wash riding, stroke technique or other skill. Paddles usually last about one and a half hours.
Sunday Morning Paddles 10:00am
These may be longer paddles (two hours) with boats of varying speeds, so the group may split up to accommodate paddlers with different expectations. Elite groups may go off on their own and paddle multiple hours. Non-elite groups will paddle as far as everyone is comfortable with - therefore it is important to communicate your expectations and limitations so that everyone gets a good workout without pushing anyone too hard. Following the paddle we often meet somewhere nearby for coffee.
Laws - Policies - Equipment Use
Below is a summary of relevent laws as well as important SCC policies and procedures. Read and understand them for your safety and to keep the club running smoothly. Copies of these rules are posted in the boathouse for your reference. Should you have any questions about these topics, please contact the executive or ask the boathouse staff for clarification.
By law, all canoes and kayaks of the type owned by the SCC must have:
One personal floatation device (PFD) or lifejacket for each person on board,
One sound-signaling device (e.g. a pealess whistle),
One bailer or one manual bilge pump,
One buoyant heaving line at least 15 m long (e.g. a throw-bag), and
If the boat is operated anytime between sunset and sunrise or in periods of restricted visibility, navigation lights (e.g. a watertight flashlight or headlamp).
It is illegal to operate a boat while impaired or while drinking alcohol. If you do so, you will be reported to the Saskatoon Police and your membership will be revoked. No warnings will be given. Requests to return to the club will be denied.
By law, due to its limited manoeuvrability, the Prairie Lily riverboat has the right of way on the river. Never travel or cross in front of it. Listen for its signals and be aware of its route for your safety.
All members must have an orientation each year.
Do not share the door code with anyone. Boats and equipment are for members only. No one-time “guest” users.
Members under 18 years of age may only paddle:
With their parent/guardian, or
While supervised by an adult SCC member authorized by the parent/guardian.
Bikes may not be stored in the boathouse.
The club is not responsible for personal items left in the boathouse.
Upon review of the executive, the SCC reserves the right to revoke the membership of anyone that is not compliant with the club rules.
Members may only use equipment assigned to the division(s) to which they belong.
Recreation Division equipment is not to be used on bodies of water where ice is present.
Members new to the Marathon Division must attend a Marathon Division group paddle before taking marathon equipment out on their own.
The Marathon Division’s safety boat and motor may only be used for club-sanctioned events as approved by the Marathon Director.
Except for club-sanctioned trips, boats must launch from and return to the boathouse dock the same day, i.e. no boats on the water at midnight.
Boats may only be transported by vehicle away from or back to the boathouse for club-sanctioned trips approved by the executive.
Plan ahead with your partner how to lift a boat down. Get help lifting heavy boats.
Only set boats down on storage racks, rubber mats, wash saddles, the grass, the dock, or in the water. Do not set or drag boats on concrete or pavement as this damages them.
Sign out your boat by recording the following information in the place provided for this purpose:
The SCC boat ID,
The first and last names of each person in the boat, and
The date and time of departure and the time of expected return.
Prepare your boat and equipment before going to the dock. Launch immediately once at the dock.
Do not leave the SCC boathouse bay door open or unlocked while unsupervised.
Do not leave SCC equipment unsupervised outside the boathouse.
Do not rub paddles along the side of the boat.
On return to the dock, promptly take your boat to the grass and remove gear.
All boats must be washed inside and out after each use. Place boats on SCC wash saddles outside the boathouse when washing them.
Squeeze out sponges and brushes and return to their marked containers.
If you are the last one to leave the boathouse, turn off the tap and leave the hose rolled up with the nozzle in the marked container.
Return boats to their assigned storage location.
Return all equipment and buckled PFDs to their designated places.
To indicate that you have returned all equipment to the boathouse, record your actual return time next to your sign-out information in the place provided for this purpose.
A key for evening use of the boathouse bathroom is kept on a ski pole next to the overhead door. Return it after use.
Advise equipment managers of any needed repairs. Email
We recommend you
Take paddling courses, either from the SCC or from the supporters listed on our website.
Consider obtaining a Pleasure Craft Operator Card at
Review Transport Canada's Safe Boating Guide