The Saskatoon Canoe Club is a group of paddling enthusiasts of varying skill levels and interests. We are involved in a variety of types of canoeing & kayaking from recreational and whitewater paddling to competitive marathon racing. We have kayaks and canoes for a variety of purposes and paddling styles. We offer courses to members, as well as opportunities for canoe trips.
The Saskatoon Canoe Club does not rent canoes or kayaks to the general public and does not provide any access to club gear or the boathouse for non-members.
Saskatchewan River Levels
River Flow Recommended Minimum Skill Level
< 250 m³/s Novice
250-400 m³/s Partner with moving water experience
400-600 m³/s Moving water experience
600-800 m³/s White water experience
> 800 m³/s Stay off the river
Graph from Water Security Agency